The winner of Magic Under Stone here at the blog was Nicole Settle. Congrats, Nicole! I will have time to sketch in your copy this week and send it out to you.
Some of you have asked me why the release date for the Magic Under Stone ebook is still April when the hardcover got bumped up, and if the ebook will come out any earlier. The short answers to those questions are I DON'T KNOW and ERRR...I GUESS NOT. And there is no long answer. Sorry that I am not more informed! I am still feeling rather surprised that Magic Under Stone is actually out...!
I'll be participating in one of my favorite blog events again this April, Fairy Tale Fortnight!:

I started a Tumblr, J for Juvenilia, where I will be posting highlights from all my childhood notebooks. This is mostly just a way to keep myself accountable for getting all my old stories typed, organized, and loosely dated. But you may find it amusing, as well:
More EVENTS added to the sidebar! A friend of mine is hosting a party for Magic Under Stone at Balticon on May 26th. You need a Balticon membership to attend, but there is a lot of other stuff going on there related to YA and adult speculative fiction and publishing, so it could be a fun day. I'm also confirmed for the PAYA festival in West Chester, PA in August. And I'm working out an event in Alexandria, VA in May, more to come!
I also have a Magic Under Stone Goodreads giveaway going on. This one is US only but I hope to do an international one soon. Blogger does not seem to like the Goodreads widget, so just go here to enter: