Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blogger's Block

My blog has been getting quite a few hits lately even though I'm not talking about anything, so I feel guilty. Is there anything you guys would like me to talk about? Any questions?

I'm working on my new book and I'm sooo excited about it, which is probably why I haven't blogged much, and February was very busy with travel. I will say we're 2 1/2 months out from the Magic Under Glass paperback release and as it approaches I'll be having a contest just for fans, with a scribbled, sketched-in, annotated copy of the book as the prize. One of the ways to win will be to already have written a review for your blog or Amazon (and the other way won't be any easier), so if you want to be in the running and you haven't reviewed Magic Under Glass yet, you might want to get on that! ;) (I feel so manipulative.)

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